Welcome Freshmen
Deltona High School's Academies & Programs - YouTube
Welcome to Deltona High!!
You are going to love being a wolf
As you prepare for your transition to Deltona High, we have created a one-stop-shop for all of your DHS informational needs.
Dates to know:
The first day of 24-25 school year is Monday, August 12th for all students. See next years' school calendar here: THE SCHOOL DISTRICT OF VOLUSIA COUNTY (vcsedu.org)
Middle School Registrations: Our school counseling teams will be on middle school campuses to talk about DHS and give a snapshot into some of the options for incoming students. Students will pick electives during this time.
Galaxy Middle School - February 8th
Deltona Middle School - February 10th
Students returning from VOL - please reach out to Ms. Lambert to set up a virtual appointment.
Check out some of what DHS has to offer here: DHS Programs and Academies
School Information:
Free and Reduced Lunch Forms: Free and Reduced Meal Applications | Volusia County Schools (vcsedu.org)
Buy some DHS swag here: DELTONA HIGH SCHOOL ONLINE STORE (eastbaystore.com)
Check out our official school Twitter page here: @DHSHappenings
Check out our official Facebook page here: Deltona High School - Home | Facebook
Click for administration information here for all other questions: Admin - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Program Information:
Check out Cambridge here: Cambridge - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Check out the Cambridge Program of Studies here: Cambridge Program of Studies - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Check out our Academies here Academy & CTE Programs - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Apply for our Academies here: Career Academies | Volusia County Schools (vcsedu.org)
Check out our AVID program and apply here: AVID - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Freshmen Electives: Freshmen Electives - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Experience DHS and get involved:
Get involved and check out our athletic page: Athletic Department - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Get involved and check out our activities page: Activities, Clubs, & Groups - Deltona High School (dhswolves.com)
Programs and Academies
Check it out!
- Electives Freshmen.docx (289.6 KBs)